At OC Nannies and Newport Domestic Agency, your health, happiness, and well-being is our top priority. We are doing our best to provide quality and safe service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and resources to help you during this time.

Are domestic workers (nannies, housekeepers, baby nurses and caregivers, etc.) still working?

Yes, domestic workers are essential workers. Our candidates are now more than ever coming forward to help households in need. Whether you need childcare, specialized care for your loved one or elders, or help disinfecting your home, they’re available to help you keep your home running.

What services are available?

Live-in (nannies, caregivers, nurses, housekeepers, and other domestic staff) are available for all households. Households concerned with having their domestic worker come back and forth from their home are highly encouraged to consider a live-in arrangement.

  • Nannies are available for parents working in essential sectors.
  • Temporary Placements (minimum of 5 work days)
  • Permanent Placements with a replacement guarantee (up to 4 months)

How are interviews being held? In-person? Online?

Initial interviews may be conducted via phone call & video conference (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime) to limit the number of people your family and our candidates are exposed to.

We recommend everyone to practice the social distancing protocols from the California State Department of Public Health during in-person interviews (don’t shake hands, sit 6 feet apart, wear face masks, etc.). Interviews are commonly being held right outside the home (porch, front yard, garage, etc.).

What steps is OC Nannies & Newport Domestic Agency taking to protect families and nannies?

Guidelines and safety practices are being sent out to our domestic staff to ensure everyone’s safety. Our dedicated domestic workers are committed to helping families in need during these times and are diligently following COVID-19 safety measures set in place by the CDC.

In addition, we’re screening for the following:

  • Any recent travel outside of California, especially areas heavily affected by the pandemic
  • Recent contact with someone confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19
  • Recent contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19

We are asking our domestic workers to follow the following CDC safety recommendations:

  • You must stay home if you feel sick, or feel like you’re coming down with any symptoms (fever, coughing, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell)
  • Practice social distancing and limit travel to essential business
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
  • Wear a face mask in public and avoid touching your face
  • Cover your coughs & sneezes with a tissue
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in your home

There’s no well-laid path for how to deal with the new stresses this COVID-19 pandemic has brought our families and communities, but we’re here to take every extra precaution possible to lessen the stress of finding care on your own.

As shelter-in-place orders begin to be lifted in the next coming weeks, we will continue to update your family and domestic staff on any new CDC, local, state, and federal guidelines and restrictions.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at +1-949-688-0975 or email us at